Frequently Asked Questions

Who the hell are you?
I am the chick you are gonna pay five bucks for an opinion.

Why should I give you my money?
You should give me your money because you are curious to see if I am worth your five bucks. I can tell you, I am. That one was free.

How did you come up with this idea?
I have spent my life giving people advice based on my opinions. It’s about time I get paid for it.

Do you have any background in this area?
I have spent my life giving people advice based on my opinions. It’s about time I get paid for it. And... no.

Do you actually think this scheme is going to work?
Yes. Besides, I have nothing to lose. And you have a lot to gain.

Are there any subjects I cannot ask your opinion of?

Can I ask your advice on my relationships?
If you dare. I will be honest and it may be painful. I’m not here to hold your hand. If a kick in the ass is what you feel you need, take a deep breath and ask away.

Why are your opinions better than those opinions of other people?
Because people pay me for mine.

What are your rules about privacy?
E-mail me your question and specify whether or not you would like a private or a public response. I can e-mail the opinion directly to you, or I can publicly post it on my web site. It is up to you.

How did you settle on the five dollar price tag?
I told my boyfriend my idea one night at dinner, and he told me I should charge five bucks. So I am charging five bucks. I didn’t pay him for his opinion.

How do I know this is legit?
Well, I can tell you I am legit, but you won’t know for sure until you pay me and receive one hell of an honest opinion.

Questions about Grey Matters Email Ms Grey
Questions about website Email Webmaster